Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement - Computing
At Kings Norton Primary School, our Computing curriculum aims to inspire the young minds of today, for the opportunities and challenges of tomorrow in our rapidly changing digital world. Our Computing lessons intend to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Whilst centred around our key drivers; Community, Well-being and Innovation our curriculum is aligned with The National Curriculum 2014 and is broken down into the following components:
Computer science - The foundations of Computing
Digital literacy and Information Technology - Using the foundations
Online Safety and digital citizenship - The implications of computing
Through our curriculum, we ensure that pupils understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences whilst developing learners as enthusiastic, creative, innovative online creators. We see Computing as a unique thread that runs through every other subject and one that can enrich lessons which is why we provide pupils with cross curricular opportunities to apply their computing skills across other subjects.
Due to the ever increasing demand to educate our young people in ways they can keep themselves and others happy and safe within an online community, our curriculum ensures that all pupils understand the importance of being responsible, respectful and mindful online users.
We also recognise that technology can play a hugely innovative role in developing an inclusive curriculum which is why careful and select use of technology is also used to support learners with additional needs and others to increase accessibility.
Our scheme of work for Computing is adapted from the ‘Teach Computing’ Curriculum and covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. This scheme was chosen as it has been created by subject experts and based on the latest pedagogical research.
Chromebooks are used across school to deliver weekly Computing sessions and units are broken down into the following areas: Programming, Creating Media, Data and Information and Computer Systems and Networks.
Alongside this, we have adopted Project Evolve to deliver regular and progressive online safety sessions which are based on The UK Council Internet Safety’s Education for a Connected World and cross referenced against our PSHE and Relationships Curriculum. Below are the strands covered in every year group, every year.
At Kings Norton, our Computing curriculum has been designed to ensure that pupils are constantly building upon their learning to develop a broad and balanced understanding of our rapidly changing online world. Our pupils leave Kings Norton as responsible, polite, resilient and ambitious online users ready for KS3 and importantly a digital age where anything is possible!