
Curriculum Vision Statement

Inspiring Minds, Embracing Opportunities.


"Inspiring the young minds of today, for the opportunities and challenges of tomorrow."

Our curriculum vision is centred around our school motto - Inspiring minds, Embracing Opportunities. Partnered with our core values - We ASPIRE to...Be Ambitious, Be Supportive, Be Polite, Be Inclusive Be Resilient, Be Empathetic - we deliver a well-sequenced, broad and balanced curriculum that reflects the history and context of our community, and the needs of our learners. Children’s learning is at the heart of everything we do, and in seeking to unlock every child’s potential, we provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment to enable them to develop positive self attitudes and relationships with peers. 

Our curriculum throughout years one to six is aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum and contextualised to our local area. The design of our curriculum consciously preserves the integrity of each subject to ensure that pupils acquire knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum whilst creating meaningful cross curricular opportunities when purposeful. Our curriculum builds upon learning in the Early Years and provides children with regular opportunities to revisit learning and develop knowledge and concepts at a deeper level. We are proud to be a school that places children’s personal, social and health education at the heart of our work which is demonstrated through our commitment to children’s active participation in a wide range of community partnerships and opportunities, and through outdoor learning in our Coppice area. We also have an extensive array of curriculum enrichment activities including the KNPS choir, whole class instrumental tuition, peripatetic instrument tuition (instrumental tuition opportunities), competitive sports and young leader programmes. 

Every child at Kings Norton Primary School is a unique individual, and has:

We have the highest expectations of EVERY individual in our learning community, providing opportunity for development, sharing of good practice and a consideration for one another’s well being through our 6 core values. 

We ASPIRE to...


Be Ambitious

Be Supportive

Be Polite

Be Inclusive

Be Resilient

Be Empathetic

At Kings Norton Primary School We Will: