
Attendance at KNPS

We believe that great attendance is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances.  Regular attendance is also an important protective factor and the best opportunity for needs to be identified and support provided. 

At KNPS, we understand that children will be ill at times so we set a target of 97% attendance.   We encourage great attendance in a number of ways: individual recognition, class rewards and house points. 

We follow the ‘FAST-track to Attendance’ procedure that all schools, academies and alternative providers and independent schools in Birmingham follow.  Where there are concerns about unacceptable levels of individual pupil absence, it seeks to improve pupil attendance and act quickly where there is unauthorised absence. 

Attendance Heroes enjoying cake and squash!

BCC letter to parents re; new PN framework July 2024.pdf
New PN framework FAQs July 2024.pdf
Annual Whole_school_letter_Sept_2023__AF_.pdf
FAST - track flow chart
Attendance flowcharts Oct 23.docx.pdf
Attendance Policy Oct 23