Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement for Writing
At Kings Norton Primary School, we want all children to become confident and creative communicators, who use their speaking, listening and writing skills effectively in the wider world. We understand the importance of giving children a voice and encourage the children to use their voice in as many different ways as possible, using clear and articulate methods of communication. We encourage children to become polite, resilient and inclusive learners, who use their writing and speaking skills effectively in our community.
We implement our writing curriculum through a progressive writing journey. As a text based school, we base our writing experiences, from reception on, within high quality, inclusive texts. We use these texts as both stimuli and models of effective writing, linking them to our thematic units where effective.
In EYFS, we encourage children to become innovators, using writing, speaking and listening skills in both formal and play based experiences. They use their knowledge of phonics, through the Little Wandle phonics programme, to develop plausible attempts at spelling unknown words. They develop a bank of high frequency words and see themselves as writers, who write to communicate. Specific letter formation also follows the Little Wandle scheme, which alongside a multitude of fine motor activities, develop the relevant strength and dexterity for children’s early stages of writing development.
Writing and speaking experiences are purposeful and are used to inform, explain, entertain, persuade and express. Our writing journey from year one onwards consists of: a hook, gathering of necessary skills, planning, drafting, editing and publishing. Each of these stages build on one another to ensure that high quality writing ensues. We gather experiences for writing through role play, text analysis, language play, drama, real life and sensory experiences.
Handwriting and spelling are developed through explicit teaching as well as integrated into writing experiences. We use joined handwriting from year 2 onwards and encourage the use of pen as early as Year 3.
Through our English curriculum, we aim for all children to feel they are writers: confident to communicate through a variety of styles- in both written and verbal forms. They will develop transferable skills, which empower them to communicate effectively throughout their time at school and beyond. We want our English curriculum to inspire children to think creatively and enjoy writing beyond our school walls, developing our drivers of community, innovation and well being.