We aim to make times of transition as easy as possible for the children in our school.
When moving from one key stage to another eg. EYFS to KS1, KS1 to KS2, KS2 to KS3 and from one year group to another, we aim to do some or all of the following:
Organise pre-visits to look around the school/building and see where to line up, their new classroom and meet their new teacher and any other teaching staff.
Have a designated swap over day for their whole class to come and spend time with their new teacher.
Have a buddy swap afternoon so the children can work with a friend from the year above.
Provide time for current & new staff to meet and discuss any particular children’s needs. All files and paperwork relating to those children is passed on to the next teacher/ secondary School.
Provide time for relevant staff to observe and work alongside children with SEND who will be joining the class/school in September, including visiting off site preschool and nursery settings
Invite parents to attend transition meetings with relevant staff.
Develop a one page profile setting out an overview of the child’s needs, their interests and history, and a description of the things which support them best in school. Provide ‘time to talk’ about any worries or concerns they may have.
Make a transition book including photographs of key areas and staff for the children to look at over the Summer.
Secondary teachers visit Kings Norton to discuss needs with the class teacher and SENCO and meet the pupil. Also, extra visits to the secondary school may be arranged.
Liaison between our SENCo and the secondary schools SENCo will be held to promote a smooth transition
SENCO ensures all files and reports are sent to receiving secondary school according to GDPR regulations
SENCO attends annual review of EHCP in Summer term prior to child starting Kings Norton in the September.
Liaison with the SENCo and teachers of the pre-school/nursery school to find out as much information as possible about a child’s needs and production of a Pupil Profile, if needed.
Home visits may be arranged for children starting reception