Identification & Assessment of SEND
Identification & Assessment of SEND
How does the school identify and assess Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities?
In school we use a variety of different ways to assess whether a pupil has SEND. Some of these include:
School based test results and consideration of progress data
Information from parents and carers & home visits
Information from the pupil
Specialised assessments carried out by members of the school’s support services/SENCO, for example the York Assessment of Reading Comprehension (YARC) to assess reading ability, Vanderbilt questionnaires to assess potential ADHD, CAST/ASSQ questionnaires to assess potential autism.
Information from previous schools or settings
Results from end of key stage assessments
Discussions with adults who work with the pupil
Information/referrals from doctors, paediatricians or other medical personnel.
Consideration of other factors eg. EAL, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES eg. bereavement), LAC/POST LAC status & Early Help support