Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement for Mathematics
· All pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and achieve their potential.
· Develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.
· To reason and problem solve by applying mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems.
· To build upon children’s knowledge, understanding and vocabulary from Reception to year 6 so they are always ready for their next stage of learning, considering the wider impact of our community .
· To develop resilience, independence and social wellbeing, that enables all children to reason and problem solve with increased confidence so pupils can flourish and thrive.
· Apply reasoning and problem-solving through a broad and innovative curriculum.
· Provide enrichment opportunities so pupils have rich experiences and can discover interests and talents within mathematics.
To ensure full topic coverage and sequencing, the school uses ‘White Rose Maths’ throughout the school. This is a whole-school EYFS and primary maths curriculum that creates ambition, continuity and progression in the teaching of mathematics.
In EYFS, we follow the White Rose approach to maths which embeds mathematical thinking and talk to develop the understanding of number, shape, measure and spatial thinking.
· Daily maths lessons include understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
· Lessons are adapted to ensure there is appropriate challenge and all pupils’ personalised needs are met so that they achieve well.
· Teachers provide opportunities for reasoning and problem-solving to be used and applied across a broad and innovative curriculum.
Knowledge Organisers are shared with children and families to begin each unit of learning, demonstrating methods and vocabulary to support and guide children with their learning in school and at home.
Homework is designed to deepen understanding and further develop mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding, encouraging support and sharing from families.
One day in the year we celebrate Number Day, which is an opportunity to promote excitement, well-being and creativity in maths, through literature.
· Teachers plan collaborative activities using concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations, which are used to support conceptual understanding and promote inquisitive learning behaviours to make links across the curriculum.
· In years 1 to 6 children apply quick recall of prior number knowledge in daily retrieval quizzes that are designed to reinforce understanding and enable children to tackle more complex concepts.
· In years 2-6 pupils are formally assessed using the NTS assessments and each half term teacher assessment is used alongside these. In year 1, children are assessed using the White Rose assessment in the Autumn term and continue with NTS assessments following that. Formal assessments and teacher assessments are used to support the tracking of progress and pupil attainment throughout the year, and AFL is used to direct planning. .
· From year 2 onwards children take part in the times tables club quizzes, and in KS2 children compete and practise times tables using Times Tables Rock Stars, an online resource which is used in school and at home, and classes are celebrated weekly to promote pupils self-esteem and well-being in times tables..
In the Spring term, year 3 and 4 have bespoke medium term planning for times tables and weekly sound checks to support pupils to achieve in the MTC. A times tables after school club is launched in the Spring term to support pupils with times tables in year 4.
In KS1 they have the White Rose Tiny mascot to drive excitement through maths, and classes are awarded Tiny each week for their reasoning and problem solving achievements.
Children’s progress is tracked half termly through pupil progress meetings using a progress tracker, and National Curriculum objectives on an online portal.
· Well planned sequences of learning support children to develop and refine their maths skills.
· Children are encouraged to independently and ambitiously apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems.
· Children are applying reasoning with increased confidence and accuracy.
· Children are ready for the next stage of their learning in mathematics.
· All groups of pupils perform at least in line with their peers in National tests.