Pupil voice
Pupil Voice
We aim to give all of our children a voice. For children with SEND we use a variety of strategies, which may include:
Involving children in creating One Page Profiles.
Having a range of education resources available for the child to use and select as appropriate, e.g. visual timetables, overlays, coloured exercise books, pencil grips, writing boards, picture/communication cards, fidget toys etc.
Providing opportunities for ‘Time to Talk’ (including 3 houses & NSPCC ‘Buddy’)
Opportunities to develop new skills through out of hours or lunchtime clubs, or applying to be a part of the School Council
Ensuring the child is aware of who they can go to for help.
Photos, conversations & observations (EYFS)
Termly ‘Pupil Voice’ activities to support SEND review meetings with parents/carers
Informal pupil questionnaires to inform the SENCo of the well being of our children with SEND