Wraparound Care
Before and After School Club
We aim to provide high quality provision for your child from 7:30 am to 5.30 pm through our Breakfast and After school clubs.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is a great way to start the day at Kings Norton. It starts at 7:30 am every morning when the school is open and provides a healthy breakfast and time to relax or play with friends. It is run by our own staff and so you can be sure that your child will have a safe and happy start to every day.
What do we do at Breakfast Club?
We meet together and play games, read, get active and of course eat our breakfast. When the weather is good we can go out into the playground to play outside and enjoy our outdoor areas.
The charge for Breakfast Club is £5 per day
After School Club
Our after school club is available from 3.25pm-5.30pm, on every day that the school is open.
Your child can book in for as little or as much of that time as you need.
A snack and drink will be provided.
The after school club charges are:
£5 from 15:25-16:30
£8 from 15:25-17:00
£9 from 15:25-17:30
Fees will be paid for in advance on School Money. The club reserves the right to exclude a child if fees are not paid.
All children must be collected before the club closes. Failure to collect your child/ren on time will result in a charge of £5.00 after 10 minutes of being late. Ongoing lateness will result in your child losing their place.
If your child is going to be collected by someone not on our records, please inform the school office on 0121 464 2606 before 4.00pm.
For any further information please contact the school office.