Monitoring Progress
Monitoring Progress
All pupil’s progress (both academic and pastoral) is continually monitored by his/her teacher, the SENCO, and the Senior Leadership Team using the school’s assessment tracking & safeguarding systems. Pupils are assessed regularly using teacher marking, observations and questioning as well as more formal assessments such as curriculum tests and standardised tests.
In Birmingham we also have access to the Birmingham Language & Literacy toolkit and the Maths toolkit which support assessment when a child or young person is making small steps of progress.
For those children with significant and complex needs who are not making progress despite a high level of ongoing intervention and support discussions will be had with families, staff and relevant external agencies to determine if an application for an Education and Health Care Plan assessment (EHCP) with Birmingham LA would be appropriate.
In addition for children with SEND we also set individual targets, or put strategies in place, that are reviewed at least three times a year by relevant staff together with parents/carers (i.e. Individual Education Plan review meetings, SEND Support Plan, Review meetings, parents’ evenings or EHCP Annual Reviews). This helps the school to monitor how well interventions are working and increase/decrease the level of support as required reflecting the graduated approach in the SEND Code of Practice 2015.